G.L. Marshall

Writing • Design • Code

— Virginia Beach —

Hello There

Welcome to my online home

Since 1999, here's where I have mixed a magazine, a blog, a test lab for graphics and all kinds of work stuff. If you're here for the writing, keep scrolling or visit a fun little archive.

The Job-Hunting Stuff

Samples and War Stories

So to keep it snappy, here's a resume and a career in 11 links. Here's my most recent work and here's my best work ever. For what I've been up to lately, see "Email: A Love Story."

Be Interesting

It's kind of my specialty

What started with an insight when I was in the 4th grade has grown into personal obsession. Today's digression is great music deserving a wider audience. I call it unpopular pop.

The question
that defines
a career:

What's the extra value in a writer who can code and design?

Short version   Longer version with blobs!

Recent Essays,
Love Letters
and Rants

Rethinking News

The day after the midterms is usually a time to think about politics. This time, it got me thinking about news.

The Best Interview Day Ever

"You have all these wonderful stories, but there's always a tinge of sadness with them." Well, here's another one.

Why G.L., not Gary?

And why dot-org instead of dot-com? A story on trying to sound more grown-up mixed in with evil domain hijackers.

But Wait, There's More

Every trick, gimmick, come-on and type of hype can be found in just one week of emails from Donald J. Trump.

Love, Lost

It's a cold bowl of chili when love fades away. Divorce is hard, even if you're just talking about the Cleveland Browns.

How To See

Dazzle your friends and family just by observing the natural world. Start by telling time with just your hands.

Climate Change? Bet On It

The world has not had a month of below-average temperatures since 1985. Here's a way to turn that into a profitable wager.

Going to read just one thing? Make it The Pocket Guide to Life

www.glmarshall.com | www.glmarshall.org
© 1999-2022